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Dental Implant Treatment in Panvel

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Dental Implant Treatment in Panvel

Dental Implants are necessary when you have missing teeth , but you don't wish to get dentures,bridges or crowns. It is important to replace a lost tooth , as the consequences of removing / losing a tooth and doing nothing can grow into a much larger problem as time goes on . The doctor and the team at SK Dental wants to help you start enjoying your life again! We provide Dental Implant treatment in panvel.

What are Dental implants ?

As the name suggests, an implant is nothing but a medical device used to replace a missing structure of tooth , support a damaged structure or enhance an existing structure and those are permanent .Permanent dental implants look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth, so you can have the confidence to do all the everyday things that you’ve stopped doing because of missing teeth or unsecure dentures.

What are implants made of?

Dental implants consist of two parts: a small titanium post that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums by drilling and which works as the root of your missing tooth (this is the actual implant), and the restoration that sits on top. The titanium post fuses with your bone to provide a solid anchor for the restoration, which we design to look just like your natural teeth.

The restoration can be a dental crown, a bridge, or an implant-supported denture. Dental restoration is needed to correct or restore the missing teeth structure At your implant consultation before performing the treatment , we’ll discuss which restoration is best for your needs, budget, and lifestyle. So, visit us at S K dental care to get yourself a dental implant in Panvel.A crown or bridge is typically best for replacing a single tooth or a couple of teeth in a row, while a denture is best if you’re missing most or all teeth in a single arch.

What are the benefits of Dental Implants?

1. Improve facial appearance

2. Prevent bone loss

3. Support other teeth

4. Best option to replace missing teeth

5. As the plants are made up of titanium they will not declare over time

Are you an ideal candidate for dental implants ?

Following are the conditions to get implants :

  • When you have one or more missing teeth
  • When you have adequate bone to secure the implants, or are able to have a bone graft.
  • When you have healthy oral tissues.
  • When you don’t wish to wear dentures.
  • When you want to improve your speech.
  • You are willing to commit several months to the process for addressing

How are dental implants performed?

The dental implant process takes place over several months. The process involves a dental surgeon, such as a periodontist or an oral surgeon, and your dentist. Most surgical procedures are quick (under an hour) and involve numbing with local anesthesia (similar to what you’d get for other dental work).

  • Tooth extraction : First , the impacted tooth is removed by the dental surgeon. First, the problem tooth is removed by the dental surgeon. Oftentimes, a bone graft and membrane are placed at the time of extraction to ensure that you’ll have enough bone at the time the implant is placed. The bone graft and membrane come from a donor bank and are very safe to use. They stimulate your body to produce its own bone in the area where the tooth was removed.
  • Implanting : Your dental surgeon places the dental implant in the area where your tooth is missing after the area has healed for around three months. The procedure involves a few drills similar to having a filling done. The implant generally takes an additional three months to heal.
  • Temporary teeth : A temporary tooth may be placed on the implant at the time the implant is inserted or once it has healed.
  • Permanent teeth or dentures : Your dentist will take molds of your teeth or scan your mouth and send the models or scan to a dental lab. You will return a few weeks later for the permanent abutment (connector piece) and tooth to be placed on the implant.

Cost of Dental Implants?

You shouldn’t avoid getting a fully functioning smile because you’re afraid you can’t find affordable dental implants! At SK dental, we have flexible financial options, and we’ll do everything we can to work with your budget. We know that your oral health is important, and so is having a smile that looks and feels great. Call our office today to speak with our friendly and knowledgeable team about your needs and budget and get the best Dental Implant treatment in panvel.

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