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Kids Dental Care in Panvel

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Kids Dental Care in Panvel

The general notion among parents regarding baby teeth is that they are going to fall anyway so why should we take care of them ? You might not be thinking of a visit to the dentist when you see your child smiling and giggling freely .But you need to keep in mind that caring for your kids’ mouth , teeth , and gums are critical at a young age. We work hard to keep cavities , plaque , tartar and other dental problems at bay . We at SK Dental provide kids dental care in Panvel. We offer a wide range of procedures for your little ones .

What are the common dental problems in kids?

  • Tooth Decay in kids
  • Sensitive Teeth
  • Oral Habits like thumbsucking
  • Damaged or loose teeth
  • Gum Disease

What are the common pediatric dental treatments?

1. Tooth Decay in kids : If we do spot a cavity, we can remove the decay and then use a tooth-colored filling that will blend in with your child’s smile. Don’t worry; we use modern techniques and tools to ensure the procedure is quick and painless. In more severe cases, if decay has led to infection, we can do root canals on baby teeth and protect the remaining tooth structure with a crown until it’s ready to fall out on its own.

2. Sensitive Teeth : When your child eats or drinks something hot or cold, they experience pain. This can be the result of sensitive teeth .Sensitive teeth in kids can be caused due to decay , injury to a tooth that exposes the nerve endings , brushing hard etc. first, we examine your little one’s mouth and find out the underlying cause. If it’s due to decay or injury, we’ll repair the tooth. Other times, sealants can be used to strengthen thin enamel and reduce sensitivity. We may also recommend that kids switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush at home

3. Oral Habits like thumbsucking : While oral habits such as finger or thumb sucking and pacifier use are completely normal in babies, when the habits continue beyond a certain point, or kids have other habits like tongue thrusting and teeth grinding, it can affect the alignment of their teeth and jaws. This may eventually result in the need for extensive orthodontic treatment or, in some cases, even surgery, in the teenage or adult years. Our dentists are well-versed in helping parents overcome these habits to keep their child’s oral development on track. In younger tots, we’ll recommend certain behavioral techniques. If nothing else seems to work, we can offer a referral to our fellow Innovative Dental Partners practice, Innovative Orthodontic Centers (our offices are connected). They can create a custom habit-breaking appliance. The appliances either block the habit completely or prevent the thumb or finger from making contact behind the upper front teeth, which decreases the enjoyment and acts as a reminder to kids. Habit-breaking appliances are effective and can save you tons of aggravation and expense in the long run.

4. Damaged or loose teeth : Losing a baby tooth too early is one of the main concerns in children we see and it can lead to teeth crowding, crooked teeth etc.. That’s why we do everything to save a baby tooth that has been damaged. In cases where the tooth is dead or there is an infection, a root canal and crown may be indicated. If the tooth falls out and can’t be rescued, we opt for a dental space maintainer to save room for the permanent tooth to come in properly when it’s ready.

5. Gum Disease : Gum disease might not seem like a dental problem in kids . But gum diseases can be observed in kids when plaque builds up near the gumline which results in reddish and swollen gums and if not addressed it can gradually damage the bones that support the teeth. Regular check-ups and cleanings can help prevent gum disease in kids that will keep your little one’s gums healthy. In more advanced cases, a deep cleaning, special rinses or medication could be required.

Are you looking for the kids dental care in panvel? SK Dental offers all types of oral treatments for children at affordable prices. Book your appointment now. The vast majority of the common dental problems in kids can be prevented with routine dental care and dedicated brushing and flossing. To keep your child’s smile happy and healthy and to get them the best kids dental treatment in Panvel, book an appointment at SK Dental care today!

What are the common pediatric dental treatments?

  • Oral prophylaxis - Cleaning and polishing
  • Fluoride therapy - Fluoride is topically applied on all sides of the teeth to protect them from dental cavities.
  • Pit and fissure sealants - Chewing surfaces of the teeth have pits and fissures which are more prone to cavities. These pits and fissures can be sealed with flow able tooth colored composite material called pit and fissure sealants which will protect the teeth against cavities.
  • Pulp therapy - when the innermost part of the tooth called pulp which contains nerves and blood vessels gets infected due to deep cavities or trauma, pulp therapy is recommended. Pulp therapy involves removing of the infected pulp tissue and filling the tooth with special medicament.
  • Stainless steel cap - These types of crowns are used to protect the tooth after pulp therapy, fracture, and extensive fillings.
  • Extractions - Extractions in children are recommended when teeth cannot be salvaged due to infection or fracture, before orthodontic treatment, overcrowding of teeth and when teeth growing behind other teeth.
  • Dental fillings - Tooth-colored fillings are used to restore the teeth with dental cavities
  • Space maintainers - These are the appliances which that hold the space for permanent teeth to erupt into place when milk teeth are lost because of cavities.
  • Habit breaking appliances - These are the type of orthodontic appliances used to stop the habits like lip biting, tongue thrusting, and thumb sucking.

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