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Wisdom Tooth Removal in Panvel

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Wisdom Tooth Removal in Panvel

Are you finding pain or difficulty in opening your mouth, Pain or swelling around your wisdom teeth, swollen glands, and earache? These all can be the symptoms of an erupting wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth can become troublesome for your dental health. But don’t worry, We deal with all your surgical needs, such as teeth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, removal of the cyst, tumors, treating a fracture of jaws. At SK Dental, wisdom tooth removal is performed efficiently by the best dentist in panvel.

What is Wisdom Tooth ?

Wisdom teeth are the four last teeth to develop and grow in at the very back of the mouth. They are observed at an age of 17 and they erupt in the early to late ’20s. Many people do not have enough room for this final set of molars to grow into the dental arch; this can cause oral health problems, like dental crowding and shifting. Regular dental screening can assist in monitoring wisdom tooth development and growth. Early removal also tends to result in a much easier procedure and smaller surgical sites, which means a quicker and more comfortable recovery.

A sign of your wisdom teeth coming in is redness and swelling behind your second molars. As your wisdom teeth are coming in, the pain is usually mild and uncomfortable at its worst. There may be occasional sharp pains. It may also be uncomfortable to chew where the wisdom teeth are growing in.

What happens if the wisdom tooth is not removed

Common complications that can arise if you don't get your wisdom teeth removed include:

Pain : When wisdom teeth erupted it can’t find enough room to come (grow) and is stuck between the gums and teeth. Such impacted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, swelling, and pain.

Infection : When wisdom teeth don't have space to emerge fully, they may get infected due to the accumulation of food particles that are unable to clean properly using brushing or flossing.

Tooth decay and cavities : Wisdom teeth may also come in crooked or too close to the other molars, which might cause difficulty when brushing or flossing them. This opens a doorway for bacteria, which is common in the mouth due to stuck-on food, to develop around the root of the other molars and potentially lead to decay.

A changed smile : Wisdom teeth can disturb the alignment of teeth which can change the appearance of your teeth and smile. That isn't just aesthetically displeasing, but it can also lead to health complications like cysts and cavities. Plus, for teens who have had braces, their newly straight teeth could be threatened by wisdom teeth.

Cysts or tumors : Wisdom teeth that only partially emerge can lead to tumors or cysts in the gum. These can affect jaw and tooth health in other areas of the mouth.

At S K Dental, we treat patients of all ages, including teens and young adults. If you or your child requires wisdom tooth removal in Panvel we are happy to assist you at our clinic.

We remove wisdom teeth and treat patients of all ages but recommend seeing us early for the smoothest recovery and to prevent oral health problems. Contact our office to get the wisdom tooth removal treatment or visit our dental clinic at panvel.

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