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Teeth Cleaning in Panvel

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Teeth Cleaning in Panvel

We are aware that it's important to keep our teeth clean and our gums healthy to maintain good oral hygiene. For a bright and beautiful smile you must opt for teeth cleaning. If you are looking for teeth cleaning in panvel, we are here to serve you.

What is Cleaning?

Teeth cleaning is one of the most popular and effective treatments all around the world. This technique facilitates the maintenance of proper oral hygiene. The treatment involves cleaning teeth and gums and making them free from dental plaque, tartar and cavities as well. Treatment is performed by dental professionals using brushing, flossing, scaling, and fluoride treatment. To know more about how beneficial this treatment is for you, get in touch with the best dentists of Panvel at S K dental care.

What to expect from a Dental cleaning ?

Teeth cleaning step by step

1. Physical Examination : Before the actual cleaning process, the dentist performs a physical examination of your entire mouth. The Dentist uses a small mirror to check around your teeth and gums to identify any inflamed gums, caries, or debris accumulated inside the mouth.

2. Removing plaque and tartar : Plaque when hardened, it forms thick tartar which is hard to clean with brushing or flossing. If any plaque and tartar are found between your teeth and around the gum line, it is removed with the equipment called a scalar.

3. Gritty toothpaste cleaning : Tartar-free teeth need professional brushing with gritty toothpaste, usually, with a high-powered electric brush that makes a grinding noise. It sounds scary, but it's a great way to get a deep clean and remove any tartar left behind. Gritty toothpaste gently scrubs your teeth and cleans them.

4. Expert flossing : Whether you floss regularly at home or not, nothing beats an expert flossing session you get at our clinic. Having a professional floss your teeth also removes any leftover plaque or toothpaste from earlier in the cleaning process. The dentist can get deep between your teeth and locate any potential trouble spots where you might bleed at the gums. if you may skip this you floss at home.

5. Rinsing : Next, you rinse out your mouth to get rid of any debris your dentist will usually give you a rinse that contains liquid fluoride.

6. Applying fluoride treatment : The final and last step to deep cleaning and tartar removal is a fluoride treatment. The fluoride acts as a teeth protectant, it can help fight off cavities for months afterward. The fluoride treatment, which is a foamy gel or paste is applied into a mouthpiece that is placed over the teeth. After a minute, the fluoride is rinsed off, and fluoride varnish is painted onto the teeth. Fluoride varnish has been proven to have greater efficacy when it comes to both treating sensitive teeth and reducing caries.

It is important to note that dental cleaning has to be done meticulously. So, it's important to find a dentist that can be trusted and can perform the teeth cleaning treatment wisely. Consultant Dr. Oswal is one of the best dentists in panvel or visit SK Dental. So, to get a teeth cleaning in Panvel in a multispeciality modern dental setup, you can visit us anytime at S K dental care.

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