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Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Panvel

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Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Panvel

Everyone is familiar with the Root Canal word which is also referred to as RCT. Probably, when you hear from your dentist “you need a root canal”. You start thinking about a lot of pain and long sitting appointments which you need to have to go for RCT. But now, not anymore, At S K Dental, we can help you to get rid of your pain within 24 hours. However, single sitting RCT is not for everyone, it depends on the case and your dental issues. We can advise you on the matter as required. To get single sitting root canal treatment in Panvel, visit us at S K Dental Care and get treated by our experts.

What is a Single Sitting Root Canal?

RCT is preventive dentistry that is used to prevent affected teeth. It’s used to save your natural tooth which might need extraction due to excessive decay and damage.

Our teeth are made of three layers: the uppermost is the crown or which is technically referred to as “enamel “, the second layer is of dentin, and the third layer is formed of pulp. When you have damage in this third and last layer you may need a root canal to get rid of the pain. Pulp is a very delicate tissue formed with nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue which facilitate the roots of your teeth to grow and develop. Single sitting root canal treatment in Panvel is performed effectively and efficiently by our experts at S K Dental care.

How is the procedure ?

Single sitting RCT Procedure

Following procedure is followed in single sitting RCT:

  • An X-ray is taken to check and examine the affected tooth to identify the extent of infection and decay. Local anesthesia is injected for a painless experience to the patient.
  • A cavity is created through the top of the tooth to create access to the pulp chamber and root canal and infection are removed to create clear access.
  • The pulp chamber, along with the infected root canals is thoroughly cleaned out using instruments.
  • The canals are then shaped and cleaned again. The dentist then fills it with a filling material.
  • Finally, A crown is placed on the treated tooth to add strength and eliminate the possibility of fracture of the treated tooth.

What are the benefits of single sitting root canal treatment?

1. Patients don’t need to take out time from their heavy schedules for multiple settings as the treatment can be or as performed in a single day itself.

2. Single sitting root canal prevents bacterial growth regrowth in the root canal that would lead to contamination if the treatment period is prolonged

3. It also eliminates the chances of flare-ups caused by leakage or loss of temporary seal.

4. Patient will not need to be injected with the local anesthesia again and again

5. Single sitting appointments are more comfortable for the patient and save time

Getting a single sitting root canal is relatively painless and extremely effective. You’ll be back to smiling, biting, and chewing with ease in no time. To know more, visit us at S K Dental for a painless root canal treatment in panvel . We are happy to serve you! To book an appointment Call us on….

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